Clients want, like anyone else, to "age in place" - meaning living in the residence of their choice as long as they are able. These services provide wellness monitoring and safety assistance to permit that to happen. The programs also provide much needed socialization for the benefit, as research shows, of both mental and physical health of the clients.
These services provide the opportunity to do this, through the following programs:
All Senior programs serve people 60 years of age and older. Persons with disabilities can also access the program if eligible. TELEPHONE REASSURANCE - SERVING HUNTERDON & MORRIS COUNTIES Seniors (persons 60 and older) and persons with disabilities are called from 8 am to 9 pm, once or several times a day. Calls are social in nature but also offer medication, food and other reminders. According to need, a client may be called once a day or several times a day, Saturday through Sunday, from 8am to 9pm. Should a client not be reached, staff calls the designated first responders, such as children, neighbors or friends. Should this outreach not be successful, staff then calls emergency services for a wellness check. Staff will also call emergency services if the client is exhibiting or articulating illness, pain or other physical or mental problems. Volunteers make the calls in the office in partnership with a Community Resource Specialist. Shifts are morning, afternoon and evening. To volunteer, please complete this form and return it to Hunterdon Helpline. hh_telephone_reassurance_program-volunteer_registration_form.pdf
FRIENDLY VISITOR PROGRAM Volunteers are matched with seniors for in-home social visits. Days, times and lengths of visits, are determined by the client and the volunteer. The match takes into consideration geography, preferences and interests. Should the client need additoanl services identified by the volunteer, they contact staff and the needs are addressed and met. To volunteer as a Friendly Visitor please complete this form and return it to Hunterdon Helpline hh_friendly_visitor_program-volunteer_registration_form.pdf
VOLUNTEER SHOPPER PROGRAM Volunteers provide grocery shopping for clients unable to get out to the store or the food pantry themselves. To become a Volunteer Shopper please complete this form and return it to Hunterdon Helpline hh_volunteer_shopper_program-volunteer_registration_form.pdf
CHOICES for Seniors Directory A comprehensive directory across four counties - Hunterdon, Somerset, Mercer and Warren - of resources for seniors, their caregivers and healthcare providers. The directory provides Eldercare service, program and product information of government and nonprofit agencies in the four counties, as well as information and links of for-profit businesses also providing Eldercare services.
Hard copies of this 8" by 11" glossy publication are distributed throughout the four counties at appropriate places for seniors and caregivers. It also can be accessed online at
Wish to advertise in CHOICES? You must provide a eldercare service, program or product. Email [email protected]
With appreciation to all that make these programs possible: Title II Older Americans Act funding through Hunterdon County; The Provident Bank Foundation: J and J Community Foundation and private individuals.